People often wonder why they should take Chinese herbs. It is a common misconception that the herbs and substances used in Chinese herbal therapy are only native to China when in fact they are found all over the world. Chinese herbal therapy is based on Chinese medical theory, which has been applied to herbal remedies. Chinese medical theory is rooted in observing natural laws and applying them to the human body. It is a complete system of medicine that focuses on the body-mind-spirit connection and how to bring balance and normal functioning back to the individual.

Many Chinese herbs are things you might find in your kitchen or garden such as cinnamon, ginger, orange peel, goji berries, and mint. Most substances that are used in Chinese herbal medicine are of plant origin although some animal and mineral products are used as well. Herbal formulas are constructed using between five to fifteen individual herbs on average, based on the signs and symptoms an individual is presenting with. These formulas can be given in many different ways: Raw herbs, which the individual will need to cook into a decoction; granular form, which gets dissolved into hot water like a tea; capsules, taken just like other supplements; tincture form, usually taken as drops under the tongue.  

Chinese herbal medicine takes a holistic approach in understanding healthy physiological functioning and disease processes and focuses on not only correcting symptoms but also on the prevention of illness, helping you be well and stay well. Modifications are made to a formula as signs and symptoms resolve until the person is feeling better, at which time the use of Chinese herbs can be concluded. One thing that is so great about using Chinese herbs as an adjunct therapy to another form of treatment, such as acupuncture, is that herbs are taken on a daily basis and therefore support the body in between other visits. When the body is given regular and consistent reminders of how to function properly, a state of wellness can be achieved quickly and efficiently.